9 Arduino Compatible Temperature Sensors
It is very useful to read the temperature with Arduino. There are various types of temperature sensors that have got different features that can be used in projects. In this article, we have brought you a collection of 9 affordable temperature sensors corresponding to the Arduino and other development boards such as ESP32 or ESP8266.

The DHT11 is a digital temperature sensor that checks the temperature and the related humidity.
These sensors have got a chip that converts analog to digital and gives out a digital signal with the temperature and humidity. Because of this, it is very easy to use any microcontroller including Arduino.
The below table gives the most suitable statements of the DHT11 temperature sensor.


The DHT22 temperature sensor is the same as the DHT11. It also measures the temperature and moisture and outputs the same. It is normally expensive, and as well as more accurate and belongs to a big temperature and humidity measuring range.
The below table gives the most suitable statements of the DHT22 temperature sensor.

LM35DZ, LM335, LM34

The LM35DZ is a straight temperature sensor that comes directly gauged in Celsius. This analog output is directly related to the temperature in Celsius. 10mV per degree Celcius goes up in temperature.
This is the same for LM335 and LM34.
The below table gives the most suitable statements of the LM335 temperature sensor.


Though the BMP180 is a pressure indicating sensor, it can measure the temperature. This is good to include in any weather station project.
The below table gives the most suitable statements of the BMP180 temperature sensor


This is an analog temperature sensor. It gives the analog value that is correspondent to the surrounding temperature. It is like the LM35 temperature sensor.
The below table gives the most suitable statements of the TMP36 temperature sensor


This is also a very important temperature sensor. It functions via 12C communication which says that it links with the Arduino using the SDA and SCL pins. Have a look at the below table to gain a summary of the LM75sensor statements.


The BME280 is a barometrical sensor that measures temperature and moisture. It links with the 12C or SPI communication methods and the BME280 module can be supported by 3.3 or 5V.
The below table gives a summary of the BME280 sensor features when coming to the temperature sensors.
Have a look at the below table for a summary of the LM75 sensor features.


The DS18B20 is a digital temperature sensor with one wire. It just needs one data line and GND to link with the Arduino.
Eacxh of the DS18B20 tempearure sensor has got a unoque 54 bit serial code. This lets you link multiple sensors to the same data wires. So you are able to receive the temperature from many sensors with the Arduino digital pin.
Have a look at the below table for a summary of the DS18B20 sensor features.

Waterproof DS18B20

The DS18B20 is available in a waterproof version. The wires are secured by the PVC which is suited to measure the liquid temperature. Or else okay to secure the exposed water.
All the wiring and features are the same as the normal DS18B20
Frequently asked questions
Can we use the phone as a temperature sensor?
Few smartphones are equipped with thermometers. On standard Android and iOS smartphones, however, it is incredibly difficult to locate. While it is possible to use your smartphone to check the room’s temperature, it is not done using the thermometer feature.
How does a temperature bulb work?
There is a bulb that is either liquid or filled with gas. This is located inside the probe’s sensing end. The attached rod moves the needle to the temperature being measured when the gas expands or the liquid heats up.
What can a bad temperature sensor cause?
Your car’s engine could overheat if the coolant temperature sensor isn’t working properly. A malfunctioning sensor may occasionally provide the engine with a constant cold signal, but it may also send a constant hot signal.
Wrapping Up
We hope you have got useful details from our guide.
What are the 6 widely used temperature sensors?
Using BME680 Environmental Sensor with Arduino
The Ultrasonic Sensors HC-SR04 with Arduino